Mobile laser cleaning equipment
    发布时间: 2019-09-02 15:00    

The mobile kW laser cleaning equipment is the largest domestic laser cleaning equipment independently developed by our company. It can be used to remove metal surface oil stains, metal rust layers, various paint coatings, metal surface oxide films and other metal coatings. It has been put into practical use in industrial production.

Mobile laser cleaning equipment

Equipment physical display

Device parameters
Laser type: Pulsed laser
Laser power 1000W

The laser cleaning equipment has the following advantages:
1. Green environmental protection, no pollution. The dust and odor generated by laser cleaning can be filtered by the attached activated carbon dust removal equipment.
2. Laser cleaning has high efficiency and good cleaning effect.
3. The laser cleaning process does not damage the substrate, and the temperature effect on the substrate is small.
4. Strong adaptability, can clean complex workpieces or work under complicated working conditions.


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